Lightning prebuilt images throw: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

Your env file looks fine to me; I don’t see any reason it would fail. Maybe we should jump on a call to debug this together.


also @midigofrank could you be knowing how to mount a project to OpenFn lightning running via docker at start up by supplying a config.json file and a project.yaml as docker compose volumes?

I’m not completely sure how to do this properly, especially given an API Key is needed to use the project.yaml and config.json. Let me check with the team and get back to you with the right solution.

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This will be so helpful. I also i will be attending the Quickstart Technical Training session in the coming hours.

Hey @jnsereko, sorry I’m getting back to you this late!
How does your schedule looks like for today? I have about an hour or so today.
We can also schedule this tomorrow anytime between 9 - 12 noon or 3 - 4 PM EAT.

Thank you @midigofrank, sorry i was in another call at that time.

We can schedule a call tomorrow if that is Ok with you. I am available 8am → 4pm EAT

Also @taylordowns2000 shared that they are finding the best possible workflow of running migrations and deployment of OpenFn using docker compose.

Thank you once more @midigofrank

Hey @jnsereko good to e-meet today.

Regarding your question on how to add the workflow configuration to your local openfn instance, I will be in touch with your team to schedule a call and align on next steps as our agreement is almost finalized. However, the below steps are the high-level plan discussed with Michael for reference.

  1. Your team will deploy the lightning application to local server however you prefer (with OpenFn team support)
  2. Once running, you will git clone the Github repo that has your template workflow config to that local server (btw, these workflows are not yet finalized and development will be happening over the next couple of weeks - so we will advise here when ready)
  3. You will then run cli deploy to push project.yaml files from the local Github repo to your new lightning instance (using the API key you will need to set up)
  4. If you want to later update this workflow config, you will git pull from that repo and run cli deploy (as in step 3) to do it again, wiping out your code with whatever is on github

An output of our engagement with your team in the coming weeks will be to help your team finalize this^ process and develop a guide for DevOps teams to reference.

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Thank you @midigofrank @taylordowns2000

Following the call we had earlier today:

  • I have beeb able to run lightning successfully using an the Init container approach. See code here
      image: 'openfn/lightning:latest'
      command: ["/app/bin/lightning", "eval", "Lightning.Release.migrate"]
        - postgres
      image: 'openfn/lightning:latest'
      command: ["/app/bin/server"]
          condition: service_completed_successfully
          condition: service_started
  • Lightning server is working on Ubuntu 22 (tested in Gitpod) when we force usage of a linux image with platform: linux/x86_64/v8 on the services in the docker compose file.

Maybe we might have some performance issues at a later stage but the lightning seams to be running fine locally at the moment.

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