Allow filtering for work order that failed in the past but not in a failed state anymore

Currently when we filter work orders in History, if we choose “Failed”, we only see the ones that haven’t been re-run successfully since - that are currently in a “Failed” state.

However, we often want to find work orders that failed sometime in the past, even if they since ran successfully. We might need them for further analysis, verification of data etc. Currently the only way to do this is to narrow down by run date, which we don’t always know.

We need to be able to filter History by Runs with Fail Status. Filtering by Work Order status only means we can only search for recent run failures… not any or all run failures.

This is a big troubleshooting blocker when we’re trying to go back and look at errors! Right now we sometimes can’t find runs that failed before… no way to go back unless you happened to save the link to the direct run