Create Credential Types via the UI (Generic Credential Setup)

Just as we set up generic OAuth, we should allow users to set up different types of credentials that can be used in/across their workflows/projects.

With this, we don’t need to set up specific credentials for new adaptors but the user can easily create a new credential, select the auth mechanism, project access, and proceed to save.

This feature can be limited by plan, instance, and or projects.

This is very cool. So as opposed to v1 (see below, where we “pre-baked” some generic types) we’d let users define credential types—they create the schema—themselves?

If so, I might suggest renaming this feature request to “Create Credential Types via UI”

(P.S., I’d still want our generic credential types to exist—such as HTTP and RAW JSON—and I’d still want every adaptor to define its own required config via the credential-schema.json but I’d view this as something to add on top of that existing stuff.)

Yes! This is correct. Happy for us to update the name of the request. And yes, it will be an add on to existing adaptor based credentials types.