Get involved in shaping OpenFn's future!

As an open-source Digital Public Good (DPG), our strength lies in our community. Your feedback and requests are crucial to making OpenFn better for governments and humanitarian organizations around the world. Here are a few ways you can get involved and help shape the future of workflow automation and data integration:

  1. Upvote and Request New Features
    We have introduced a new feature request category to collect, manage, and vote requests from the OpenFn community. When a new request is posted or a comment is made to an existing post, community members are notified. Upvoted feature requests are reviewed periodically for potential consideration for upcoming development cycles. To request a new feature, visit the features request page and click + New Topic to create a post to describe the feature with the title, description, and image (optional).

To upvote a new feature request, click on the Vote button beside the title of the post as shown below.

  1. Learn More About Our Roadmap
    Stay informed about the future direction of our platform by exploring our roadmap. The roadmap provides insights into our current priorities and upcoming features for the next 6 months. We encourage you to take a look at the roadmap here and suggest priorities that align with your needs through the feature requests page or by commenting on an issue.
    Link to roadmap: Roadmap and Product Ethos | OpenFn/docs

  2. Share Your Work
    Sharing your projects and implementations is a great way to contribute to the community. By showcasing your work, you help new users get started and inspire others with your approach. Whether it’s a case study, a tutorial, or a simple “How I Automated This” post, your shared experience is invaluable.

  3. Contribute Code
    If you’re a developer, consider contributing to our codebase. Open-source contributions are welcome, and we appreciate your help in improving the platform. Whether you’re fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation, your code contributions make a difference.

Relevant Links:

Happy Automatin’