Google Sheet Credentials setup

Hello Everyone, I am currently trying connect to a google sheet where i will be pulling and pushing data to. However i am getting an issue setting up the credentials for these jobs.

I am running running the lightning v2.10.5 via docker.

I followed this link as well HTTP to GoogleSheets Workflow | OpenFn/docs

While setting up the credentials after selecting sign in with google sheet i get the following error.

Any ideas as to what the issue could be?

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Looks like the Oauth client you’ve built in Google Cloud Platform isn’t using the same redirect URL as you’ve configured in your Oauth Client on Lightning!

Can you check to make sure that your client on lightning has all the same deets as whatever you’ve built in GCP?

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Thank you that solved the issue.

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Awesome! So glad to hear it :heart:

Hello @taylordowns2000 and @Kiefer .
I am having same problem setting Google Oauth Authentication. I want to setup Google Sheet credentials, Below are the screenshot from my openfn instance and on Google client.

Kindly help

OAuth Clients configuration on My openfn instance

On Google client

Hi @stephencoduor,

I am glad you’ve made some progress in setting up your client. I have noticed a couple of issues that might be responsible for the error you’re getting.

For the scopes you intend to enable via the OAuth, please remove the values you have entered into the mandatory scope field and replace them with the following:

If you are looking to add more scopes, see the list of available Google OAuth scopes here: Google API'leri için OAuth 2.0 Kapsamları  |  Authorization  |  Google for Developers

For callback/redirect URL:
Your redirect URL should be in this format https://{OPENFN_URL}/authenticate/callback where OPENFN_URL is the URL for accessing OpenFn e.g Please confirm that your OpenFn instance can be accessed via

Happy to answer further questions.

Thanks @ayodele for the help, though still not working, I have made the changes you have suggested but I still get the same error.

Hi @stephencoduor, would you mind sharing a screenshot of the error you are having ?

Ack! Sorry about that. I think the error is due to the redirect URL configuration. It would be great to see the new URL.

Can you also confirm that you have correctly set your client secret and ID?

As requested, please use the URL I sent to you to book a quick call to resolve this.

My redirect URL is

Yes I have set set your client secret and ID is my openfn instance and accessible

Here is the screenshot of the error