When I run a workflow, I am bombarded with irrelevant logging information. Stuff like this in particular - the first thing I see - is meaningless to me:
R/T [linker] loading module @openfn/language-common
R/T [linker] Loading module @openfn/language-common from /tmp/openfn/worker/repo/node_modules/@openfn/language-common_2.3.0/dist/index.cjs
R/T Resolved adaptor @openfn/language-common to version 2.3.0
What’s going on here is the Worker is diligently sending all debug logs back to Lightning. But most users aren’t interested in debug-level logs.
By default We should only show Success, Error and Warning level logs, like the CLI does. Maybe info too, but that’s often a bit low level so I’d start by excluding it.
Then users can select the level of logs they want to see in the UI.