Limit on message JSON size?

We have been sending base64 images from a mobile app to OpenFn jobs, but on Friday some of them started failing (message POSTs to OpenFn Inbox failed).
They seem to be working fine now again.
At the time there appeared to be a limit on the size of the messages - messages POSTed without images were received by OpenFn, but those with images failed.

Is there a limit on the message size? (and if so, what is the current size limit?)

And were there changes happening on the system on Friday that may have caused this behaviour?


Hey Andrew,

There isn’t a limit but on Friday night we introduced a bug that impacted large size JSON messages. It was identified and fixed within a few hours but 63 different messages failed. So sorry that this impacted you. You can read about it on Twitter and our status page.

Check out OpenFn Status (@openfnstatus):

Also, if you suspect something is going on with the service, is the best place to check.

Hope this helps. Holler if you need anything.


Ah, good to know, doesn’t seem to be any harm done (aside from worrying our devs for a bit!)

Thanks for the speedy feedback.



You’re welcome and very glad to hear it. It was a definite oversite on our part. Please pass along my apologies to the worried devs!