Run cron workflows on-demand

Right now, users have a hard time understanding how to run cron workflows on demand. They have to click into the first step of a cron workflow (which is weird and not intuitive) and enter “{}” as an Input and then create a new Work Order. This is already not great UX… how cool if they could just click a “play” button from the canvas view and be presented with maybe 3 options: (1) Run workflow with no Input, (2) Run workflow with a custom input, or (3) Run workflow starting with the final state of the last run (so that if they have a cursor set up in the workflow, this will be included in the initial state).

Some users are getting really confused currently on how to run and test cron workflows on-demand. See video for the workaround I’m suggesting to them in the meantime: Workflow Rerun Recommendations** **Summary:** In this video, I provide guidance on rerunning workflows efficiently. By avoiding creating new work orders and instead opting to rerun specific steps, we can retain crucial data like the last sync time. I recommend utilizing the rerun feature to streamline testing processes and ensure accurate results. No action is requested from the viewers. **** - Chapters: | Loom

In v1-to-v2 migration calls this week, 3 different users told me they really miss the “play” button from v1 which provided a one-click option to run the workflow on demand from where it last left off

Nice! Adding in the mockups we’ve got so far.