Showing LastUpdatedAt and LastUpdatedBy timestamps across projects to help users monitor configuration changes and better collaborate

Right now the app does not show me (1) when configuration was modified and (2) the last user who edited it. This is critical information when collaborating on workflow building and troubleshooting issues with the app.

Security teams also find this information really important to ensure there is an audit trail for admins to track all edits. Serious organizations using enterprise products like UNICEF mandate this in applications.

v1 of this feature should be: Showing LastUpdatedAt and LastUpdatedBy timestamps next to all configuration elements in the app:

  1. Workflows (on the Workflows Dashboard and in the Canvas view)

  2. Triggers

  3. Paths

  4. Steps (code changes are tracked in GH, but not adaptor/adaptorVersion/credential)

  5. Credentials

v2 of this should be a full audit trail showing a detailed history of configuration changes that an admin can refer to troubleshoot issues or if investigating why something went wrong or was perhaps maliciously changed.

GitHub Sync only helps to track some, not all, of these configurations changes… and only if a user manually chooses to click the Intiate Sync to Github button, which we can’t rely on.