Workflow Library to help with self-service & sharing config

People all the time ask us to see workflow use cases and demos. The job library is a start, but there is NO visual element and it’s for developers/very technical users (and still needs a lot of love). I think having a workflow library that showcases different workflow config would be a really effective tool for onboarding users, giving them ideas/inspiration, and encouraging sharing across the community.

Maybe v1 of this could be a series of screenshots of template workflow configurations (e.g., see attached image) linked to related project.yaml files with that workflow’s config that users could preview in Github or import to their project space.

Maybe v2 of this could be a gallery of template workflow configurations that users could browse & interact with, but then “click to import” into their own project spaces for further

Then we should have a way where users can export their workflow configurations and choose to “share with the community library”.

I think this is an amazing idea @aleksa-krolls